Benefits Of Bone Broth For Dogs

People say bone broth suits dogs with digestive problems, lousy hair coats, or sore joints. Bone broth has nutrients that can help with digestion, immune system function, and gut health. Bone broth is a healthy part of a balanced and complete pet diet. Even though bone broth for dogs has a lot of proven health benefits, you should still talk to your vet before making it a regular part of your pet's diet. Keep reading to find out more.

Joints can benefit from bone broth

The collagen in your dog's tendons, ligaments, and the ends of their bones affects the health of your joints. Collagens are a large group of biomolecules that include glycosaminoglycans, particular molecules that help keep our joints healthy.

There are a lot of glycosaminoglycans in bone broth marrow. It's possible you've heard of glucosamine, one of the supplements. Aside from glucosamine, bone broth contains chondroitin and hyaluronic acid, both of which are healthy for dogs' joints.

Also, the glycosaminoglycans in bone broth are hard to break down, so they are absorbed whole. They work like hormones and produce cells called fibroblasts, which lay down collagen in the tendons, joints, ligaments, and even the arteries.

Bone broth helps clean out the liver

It is primarily the liver's job to eliminate waste products from the body. The dog's liver is attacked every day because the poor dog sleeps on carpets and floors that have been treated with chemicals, walks on grass that has been treated and sprayed with poisons, eats foods with toxic and synthetic ingredients, and goes through toxic dewormers, antibiotics, flea and tick preventives, vaccines, drugs, and more.

The liver was never meant to go through all of this, and its ability to cleanse itself is limited by how much of the amino acid glycine it has. What do you think has a lot of glycines? Bone stock!

Bone broth helps keep your gut healthy

The lining of the intestines is full of millions of tiny holes that let nutrients that have been broken down into smaller pieces get into the body. Stress, a lousy diet, and too many bacteria can open holes in the gut or get bigger. This is called "leaky gut."

Because of the large pores, contaminants such as undigested food, poisons, and yeast can enter the body without being processed. The body will see the pieces of food that haven't been broken down as foreign invaders and start to fight them. This is how allergies and sensitivity to certain foods start.

Bone broth for dogs contains gelatin, a sticky substance that can stop those holes from leaking.


Bone broth marrow can help your dog stay hydrated while he is unwell by adding moisture to dry kibble. You can even share it with your pet and get the same benefits! This winter, make bone broth a regular part of your cooking.


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